Rugby Panthers girls’ golf anxious
Although this year’s Rugby Panthers girls’ golf team has fewer and younger golfers. Coach Angie Zietz has high hopes for the season, which began Thursday, Aug. 10 in Velva.
“We had two seniors graduate last year,” said Zietz.
This year’s Panthers squad has six golfers: junior Ashlyn Dibble, sophomore Brooke Kleespie, freshmen Marly Santjer and Tallie Dosch. Two-sevenths graders Avery Santjer and Elena Felkin round out the team’s roster of golfers.
“Marly, Ashlyn and Tallie have shot varsity before. And Brooke Kleespie is new, but she’s golfed many years. It’s not like it’s her first-year golfing. That’s why I didn’t classify her as a newbie, because she’s been out here,” said Zietz. “In one practice, we shot from 150 (feet) in. We didn’t step on the tee box. We just shot our next shot in and got those short games in. And putting and chipping is always a crucial part of practice.”
Marly Santjer warmed up by hitting long shots on the driving range. The daughter of Rugby teacher and golf coach Mike Santjer.
“I’ve been golfing with my dad since I was a little kid,” said Marly.
The team will begin a very busy schedule of games before school begins. The Rugby girls’ golf team has matches Thursday, Aug. 10, Friday, Aug. 11, Monday, Aug. 14, Thursday, Aug. 17, Friday, Aug. 18th and Monday, Aug. 21st.
“At the beginning of the year, especially for the new girls, we just start swinging the club, making contact with the ball and getting your muscle memory back if you haven’t golfed all summer,” said Zietz said. “You’re just building up.”
The meet set for Monday, Aug. 14 will be a junior varsity contest held at Rugby Golf Club.
Rugby is in Region 4 with 16 teams. Matches will be held throughout the region, which stretches from Garrison to Rolla.
“I’ve seen on social media that some of the other teams are short girls. “So, I don’t know how big the field’s going to be for the girls’ sports this year. Everybody’s got a full team. It just seems like the numbers are low,” said Zietz. “I have good feelings for these girls to go out and do good things for the team and for themselves,” Zietz said of the Panthers. “As long as they shoot honest golf and keep getting PRs and all that stuff, it’s all we can ask for.”