The 69th Legislative Session is well underway. Taking on my new role as Speaker of the House has been quite an experience so far. One thing I have learned is how incredibly important all the staff are to make sure things run smoothly and efficiently.
The House this session introduced 620 ...
There is still time to participate in the Pierce County Fair and Heart of America Library summer reading challenge for children grades one (1) to eight (8). Children are asked to read 10 library books during the month of June. Once complete the children will receive a Read and Win ribbon and a ...
I have heard people say: “It sure would be nice if we had a spring one of these years!”
I know in North Dakota it is common to have snowbanks and wood ticks at the same time, but in a “normal” year we would have a couple of weeks of warm weather before summer hits. We all look ...
As part of the Rugby High School Awards Day Program, Clarence Larson American Legion Post #23 presented the American Legion School Award Medal Program recipients to four seniors on May 18.
The Award Medal represents the educational symbolism of the School Award Medal Program and associates ...
Now that our spring/summer has arrived, there is not a more enjoyable tonic than the sight of a luscious summer drink. A drink that has been allowed to leach in mint, lime, and lemon to harmonize with the main ingredient. As it swirls in the blender or pitcher, you can hardly wait to finish its ...
Memorial Day is upon us; the unofficial start of summer with camping, grilling burgers and hot dogs, time with family and friends. Memorial Day also is a time to remember those who died in service for our great country and to place a decoration on the grave of those who have fallen. On Monday, ...
The Prairie Village Museum is hosting Uff Da, The Folk Art of Emily Lunde, sponsored by the North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, ND, as part of their Rural Arts Initiative. The exhibit will be at the Prairie Village Museum May 1 – May 28, 2023. This period coincides with the times that ...
June 10, 1922-Aug. 31, 2021
Irene Viola Hager, 99,
died at the Heart of Amer-
ica Medical Center on Au-
gust 31, 2021. Irene was
born on June 10, 1922, in
the family farmhouse
about 5 miles East of Wol-
ford, ND, the youngest
child of Even Evenson
Haugen and ...
“America was founded on Christian principles,” it has been claimed. Very few dare contradict this claim because people think you have to be an atheist to doubt it.
Being an inquiring soul believing in truth, I thought the claim needed examining so I put my 29-book document of Christian ...
For a variety of reasons, Measure #1 doubling the size of the Board of Higher Education is a bad idea. Four management organizations say that eight-member boards are more effective, more efficient than 15-member boards.
The North Dakota Board of Higher Education is presently the right size for ...