Many sectors of the U.S. economy continue a slow but steady recovery from the COVID-19 slowdown. By the end of September, the unemployment rate had dropped to 7.9%, down from 8.4% in August.
But as we and many others have warned, some businesses — and millions of their employees — ...
Though there is some dispute over how soon a COVID-19 vaccine will be available to the general public, it appears a few million doses may be ready before the end of this year. There is general agreement they should go to the most vulnerable among us.
That is older people with pre-existing ...
Remember just a few months ago when some disease analysts who had been predicting COVID-19 would kill 200,000 Americans were being ridiculed by some people? For a time, it appeared the pandemic would claim fewer than 100,000 lives in our country.
But on Sunday, the tally had topped 194,000. ...
Concern over use of mail-in ballots for the November general election is building. Critics of the process fall into two categories: those who worry about vote fraud and those who insist many Americans may be “disenfranchised” by the system.
Indeed, fraud is something of a concern — but ...
Rev. Dr. Beth Kelsey, Bottineau
As we debate the future of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. several facts must be remembered.
Compared to native-born US citizens, undocumented immigrants are less than half as likely to be arrested for violent and drug crimes. They are arrested at ...
L. Jay Reinke, Rugby
Two huge thanks are due two entities in Rugby.
First, the Public Works/Roads Dept. staff and drivers deserve a massive thanks for the great job they have done with snow removal and road maintenance during our recent storms. It’s a huge feat, and you have done it ...
Erika Kenner , Leeds
There has been an initiated constitutional measure on the ballot in ND each election year for the past 10 years. As citizens of North Dakota, we have the right to propose initiated measures, which means that when we go to vote, we have the duty to understand exactly what ...
Mike McNeff, Ed.D , Superintendent, Rugby Public Schools
You may have heard that the Ely Elementary Project cost has ballooned over the past 12 months since our first construction estimate. We have all been hit by inflationary increases in our work life and personal life, and this project is ...
The 69th Legislative Session is well underway. Taking on my new role as Speaker of the House has been quite an experience so far. One thing I have learned is how incredibly important all the staff are to make sure things run smoothly and efficiently.
The House this session introduced 620 ...
There is still time to participate in the Pierce County Fair and Heart of America Library summer reading challenge for children grades one (1) to eight (8). Children are asked to read 10 library books during the month of June. Once complete the children will receive a Read and Win ribbon and a ...
I have heard people say: “It sure would be nice if we had a spring one of these years!”
I know in North Dakota it is common to have snowbanks and wood ticks at the same time, but in a “normal” year we would have a couple of weeks of warm weather before summer hits. We all look ...
Now that our spring/summer has arrived, there is not a more enjoyable tonic than the sight of a luscious summer drink. A drink that has been allowed to leach in mint, lime, and lemon to harmonize with the main ingredient. As it swirls in the blender or pitcher, you can hardly wait to finish its ...