– Brent William Jones, Grand Forks, pleaded guilty to an A misdemeanor charge of failure to appear as a witness or to produce information July 12 before Northeast District Judge Michael Hurly. Hurly ordered Jones to pay $325 in total court fees.
– Christopher James Longie, Belcourt, pleaded guilty July 12 to a C felony charge of possession of drug paraphernalia. Hurly sentenced Longie to a term of one year and one day served at the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation with 352 days suspended and 360 days probation with credit for 14 days served. Hurly also ordered Longie to pay $1,100 in total fees.
– Heather Lee Luding, Minot, pleaded guilty July 12 to an A misdemeanor charge of driving while license/privilege is suspended or revoked. Hurly ordered Luding to surrender any license plates registered in her name to the North Dakota Department of Transportation and pay $425 in total fees.
– Corey Sean Mattern, Rugby, pleaded guilty July 12 to a B misdemeanor charge of actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence. Hurly ordered Mattern to complete a chemical dependency evaluation, comply with recommended treatment, serve 360 days of unsupervised probation and complete 20 hours of community service by Sept. 11. Community service hours not completed will result in one day of incarceration for every incomplete hour. Hurly also ordered Mattern to submit to random drug and alcohol testing, pay $1,325 in total fees and serve 10 days at Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center, with 10 days suspended.