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National Common Core Assessment Leader to present to local K-12 schools

By Staff | Aug 16, 2013

Area preK-12 teachers and administrators will have the opportunity for first-hand information on the impact of new state assessment tools North Dakota school districts will be utilizing to measure implementation and student proficiency of the Common Core State Standards.

The Northeast Education Services Cooperative, which serves area school districts and is one of eight similar organizations in North Dakota, is bringing Dr. Chrystyna Mursky, director of professional learning for the Smarter Balanced assessment consortium to Lake Region State College from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm August 19th. Dr. Mursky will give a presentation on how North Dakota can strengthen its implementation of the new common core standards and also showcase the new state assessment.

The new state common core standards are a national set of expectations for students and are more rigorous than prior state standards. The new standards address issues of global competitiveness in the workforce said Erin Lacina, NESC Succeed 2020 Project Director.

North Dakota officially adopted the Common Core in June 2011. The NESC has been collaborating with DPI and other partners in the state to develop and implement professional learning experiences for those involved in the new Common Core.

“The NESC is the first to bring the Smarter Balanced experts to the state to meet with teachers regarding assessment requirements and resources,” Lacina said.

Member schools in the NESC include Dakota Prairie, Devils Lake, Edmore, Four Winds, Lakota, Langdon, Leeds, Maddock, Minnewaukan, Munich, North Star, Oberon, Rolette, St. Joseph’s Elementary, Starkweather, Tate Topa Tribal School, Warwick, and Wolford. Lake Region Special Education and Lake Region State College are cooperating members. Cankdeska Cikana Community College, Lake Area Career & Technology Center, Minot State University, North Dakota School for the Deaf, Train ND Northeast, and UND are collaborative partners.

Teachers and administrators of area schools have been gearing up for the new state standards, but the opportunity for the NESC to bring in an expert like Dr. Mursky is a positive step for all to hear directly how to strengthen statewide implementation of the Common Core, Lacina said.

“This is a great opportunity for students in our region and beyond as they will have increased expectations in the classroom, which will lead to increased opportunities in college and careers,” Lacina said.

Lacina expects around 300 educators and administrators will attend the presentation. As the first group to bring in such a presentation, other K-12 leaders throughout the state, including the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Kirsten Baesler, will be attending. To attend the Smarter Balanced presentation, contact Erin Lacina at .

About the new Common Core for K-12

Over a year ago, 48 states, 2 territories and the District of Columbia (D.C.) committed to developing a common core of state standards for proficiency in English-language arts and mathematics for grades K-12. The standards, developed in collaboration with teachers, school administrators, and education experts, establish clear and consistent goals for learning that will prepare our children for college and the workforce. These standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate from high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs.

What Common Core State Standards mean for students and teachers

Until now, every state has had its own set of academic standards, meaning public education students at the same grade level in different states have been expected to achieve at different levels. States are able to share information effectively and help provide all students with an equal opportunity for an education that will prepare them to go to college or enter the workforce, regardless of where they live. The standards will provide important goals for teachers to ensure they are preparing students for success in college and the workforce.