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4-H Achievement Days highlight Pierce County Fair

By Sue Sitter - | Jul 14, 2023

Sue Sitter/PCT Marlee Mygland poses with her puppy, Indie and the grand champion ribbon she won in the pet competition during 4-H Achievement Days Friday, July 7.

Rugby 4-H members received rewards for work done on projects at Achievement Days 2023, held at the Pierce County Fairgrounds July 6-8.

The three-day event began with static exhibits displayed in the fairgrounds’ community building Thursday, July 6. Entries ranged from home baked goodies to craft and furniture items made from metal or wood. Achievement Days continued Friday in the fairgrounds’ new agricultural building, where judges from NDSU Extension offices in Pierce and McHenry County judged animals raised by 4-H members.

Marlee Mygland won the 4-H Achievement Days Grand Champion ribbon for her, German Shepard puppy, Indie. “She’s four months old,” Mygland said.

Sawyer Brossart won the grand champion award for showmanship for his birds.

Brossart’s mom, Jen, coaches’ basketball for the Rugby Panthers girls’ team. “You can say what you want about sports, but this is just as good,” said Jen Brossart, Rugby girls’ basketball coach and Sawyer’s mom. Brossart praised the values 4-H membership teaches, such as leadership and teamwork.

Levi Selensky took the reserve grand champion ribbon for his Americana hen.

Morgan Scherr waited in a stall between two cows and her goat, Ginger.

“She’s a pasture pet. She’s kind of a lawn mower,” Scherr said. “She eats our grass.”

Adela Maus, another 4-H member, looked at the animals in their stalls while holding Sassy, her very patient Siamese cat.

“She won the blue ribbon,” Maus said. “She’s two years old. We found her in a parking lot.”

Also winning blue ribbons for pets were Brossart, who won for his Corgie Mix dog, Scherr for her Corgie and Ryleigh Keating, who won blue ribbons for her cat and dog.

On Saturday, 4-Hers brought out their pigs and cattle for judging

Reagan Hager, who won the grand championship award for showmanship for her pig named “Cow,” said, “I got Cow in April. She was 60 pounds and right now, she’s probably around 170 or 180. I feed her a corn and soy blend. She’ll stay on our farm until Thanksgiving, and then we’ll butcher her.”

Hager, eighth grade at Rugby Middle School in fall, said she’s been involved with 4-H for three years. “It’s fun. I like it. I like getting to show my animals and create projects”

Achievement Days closed with an all-around showmanship competition.

The grand champion award in the showmanship category went to Scherr. Brossart won reserve grand champion.