Rugby Shooting Club, high school clay target league see top results
The Rugby Shooting Club is three weeks into the summer 2022 season and seeing strong showings from teams representing local businesses.
Oksendahl Farms held the club’s top spot for the first two weeks until they tied with Rugby Welding in week 3, but each team’s score has consistently stayed in the top 90s.
The Rugby High School clay target team, which also uses the Rugby Shooting Club’s facility, has also established a consistent lead in their league. The team, which holds the number one spot in their division, heads to Horace June 18 for the North Dakota State High School Clay Target Tournament.
Four from Rugby High made the all state team: Kordell Kraft, who averaged 24.2 out of 25; Zach Jaeger, who averaged 23.8; Jenner Johnson, who also averaged 23.8, and Sawyer Bohl, who scored 23.4.
Kraft’s score put him in the fifth spot overall in the state.
Scores for the Rugby Shooting Club for weeks 1-3 are:
Week 1:
Teams: Oskendahl Farms, first place, 99; Midco Communications, 96 Rugby Welding, 96; First International Bank and Trust, 96; The Jeneral Store, 96; Daryl’s Refrigeration, 96; Metzger Cattle Co., 96.
25 Straight: Tom Stoe; Bruce Oksendahl; Brandon Oksendahl; Andrew Oksendahl.
Top three men: Tom Stoe, 25; Bruce Oksendahl, 25; Andrew Oksendahl, 25; Brandon Oksendahl, 25.
Top three women: Kyla Radomski, 22; Jen Mattson, 22.
Top three juniors: Carter Teigen, 24; Colton Metzger, 24; Kordell Kraft, 24.
Week 2:
Teams: Oksendahl Farms, first place, 98; Daryl’s Refrigeration, 97; First International Bank and Trust, 97; Midco Communications, 97; Rugby Welding, 96; The Jeneral Store, 96; Metzger Cattle Co. 94.
25 Straight: Norm Howard, Kyla Radomski, Jenner Johnson, Zach Jaeger.
50 Straight: Bruce Oksendahl
Top three men: Norm Howard, 25; Bruce Oksendahl, 25.
Top three women: Kyla Radomski, 25; Bonnie Erikson, 24; Sara Radomski, 23.
Top three juniors: Zach Jaeger, 25; Jenner Johnson, 25.
Week 3:
Teams: Rugby Welding, 98; Oksendahl Farms, 98; Rugby Welding, 98; First International Bank and Trust, 98; Daryl’s Refrigeration, 97; Midco Communications, 97; The Jeneral Store, 96; Metzger Cattle Co., 96.
25 Straight: Gary Brossart, Carson Mattern, Steve Wentz, Andrew Oksendahl.
50 Straight: Norm Howard, Kyla Radomski, Jenner Johnson, Zach Jaeger.
Top three men: Brossart, Wentz, Mattern, Howard, Andrew Oksendahl, all 25.
Top three women: Kyla Radomski,25; Kaitlyn Metzger, 24; Sara Radomski, 24.
Top three juniors: Johnson, 25; Jaeger, 25.