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Panthers win Rugby Golf Invite

By Staff | Apr 6, 2012

Coach Gary Myhre is very pleased with the Rugby Boys Golf Team’s first meet of the season held on Tuesday, April 3 at Rugby. The Panthers won with a team score of 332.

“We had a delay of 45 minutes due to frost on the green, but we didn’t mind waiting,” said Myhre. “It was a beautiful day to play golf.”

With four or five practices under their belts, the boys did a great job, he said.

Senior Zach Berube who hasn’t golfed since junior high, shot an 86. The other senior on the team this season, Zach Leer picked up where he left off last season. Benji Miller impressed his coach with an 86, also. Junior Patrick Stadum shot a 98 giving Coach Myhre the hope that his team is off to a good start and there is potential.

The boys golf team will be playing two meets per week from now on. Myhre has to divide his team up as he can only play six guys per meet. This should work very well with the talent he has this year.

“We played our meet without junior, Kyle Halvorson, and freshman, Noah Kraft, and we still did well,” said Myhre. “My team overall looks pretty good.”

A couple of the golfers are dual sports players working in baseball and golf in the same season. But with the divided team plan, they should be able to play baseball and golf.