Breaking up is hard to do
Five of the six senior players for the Rugby boys basketball team have played basketball together since first grade. Jayden Welk, Erik Wangler, David McAtee, Andrew Hershey, Rylie Wangler, and Zach Leer will be leaving Rugby High School in May. They will take with them many memories of playing ball together.
“We’re going to miss it,” said Jayden Welk.
None of the six seniors plan to play basketball after high school.
“Except for maybe a city league,” said David McAtee with a grin.
The boys had Scott Grochow for a coach for C-Squad. Ever since then, it has been Mike Santjer and Brian Olson. They have learned much.
“We learned teamwork,” said Welk.
Being able to rely on other people is what David McAtee said he learned.
“Trust and hard work,” echoed Andrew Hershey. “Hopefully, we have been a good example to younger kids to work hard.”
Welk, McAtee, and Hershey seem to be the spokespersons for this team.
Can you tell when a teammate is having an off night during a game and what can you do about it?
“Everyone else needs
to step it up,” said McAtee and Welk.
“Encourage that person by saying, you’ll get the next one,” said Hershey.
This team has accomplished a lot this year. They were YMCA Champs last summer. They won the Central Dakota Conference at Harvey. These Panthers took 2nd at the Minot Tourney, were runners up in the District 11 Tournament, and third place finishers in the Region Tournament. They were named one of the top ten teams in the state poll. The 2012 Rugby Boys
Basketball Team had
the first season, in quite a few years, with over 20 wins. Their accomplishments they can remember with great pride.
They have many memories of playing together and will carry those with them for the rest of their lives. Singing on the bus rides home is one. Others will be told over the years and probably get bigger with each telling. One thing they know for sure, they had fun playing basketball at Rugby High School.