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Golf course opening to be delayed

By Staff | Apr 16, 2009

April 15 is the annual target date for the Rugby Golf Course to open, but as expected, a late spring and above average snow accumulation this winter have pushed the opening date back.

Jeff Duchscher, Rugby Golf Club president, said it’s difficult to say just when the course will be in good enough shape to open, but hopefully by the end of the month.

There was still some snow cover in the trees as of last week. There was also water pooling in low spots, including around No. 6 green, that needed to be pumped out.

Cory Espe, course superintendent, began work last week, getting equipment ready and surveying what areas of the course need immediate attention. Duchscher said the moisture last fall will help to green things up this spring.

While the course may not be ready for another couple of weeks, the driving range could be ready sometime this week. That will enable the local high school teams to begin outdoor practices.

The annual Early Bird tournament is still tentatively scheduled for May 9, weather permitting.