Rugby Amtrak station project news
Dale Niewoehner, Rugby
Even though I have nothing to do with it nor any control over the ADA project at the Rugby Amtrak station, I will make these comments:
The initial project was to re-surface the entire platform, install air conditioning, install new front doors, and other electrical and handicapped parking concerns.
It has been made known to me that the North Dakota Historical Society approved the second option of the re-surface of the platform, since the building is on the National Register of Historical Places, they are involved with any work done on the building.
The project was started in early March, but suddenly it stopped after a few weeks of work. I am told that the project was halted because of a legal matter regarding the project. The bricks taken off the west end of the platform are piled up on the west end of the platform and are available for salvage with the proper authorization from the contractor.
I have been informed that the project will resume in August.
Thank you for your continued support of Amtrak here in Rugby. We are so fortunate to have this service in our community.