Pleased with Haugen-Hoffart
Susan Wefald, Bismarck
I was so pleased when Governor Burgum appointed Sherri Haugen-Hoffart to the North Dakota Public Service Commission on Feb. 11.
As one of your former Public Service Commissioners, I know how important this position is in state government. Sherri has excellent qualifications for the PSC, including experience serving in state government and nonprofit positions. She also comes to the PSC with an understanding of electricity markets, due to serving as board chair of Capital Electric Cooperative.
To top it off, she is a woman, and we need women as state officials in North Dakota. Women bring different life experiences as leaders of state agencies, and she joins Julie Fedorchak and Randy Christmann on the PSC. (Randy is lucky to serve with two such talented women!). Thanks for a great appointment, Governor Burgum.