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Republicans, get involved in district meetings

By Staff | Jan 22, 2022

Kolette Kramer, Denbigh

It’s a New Year and time to reflect and time to make resolutions. How can we engage and encourage those in leadership in our state? As a member of the North Dakota Republican party, I am aware that many of the 47 NDGOP districts across the state are having reorganizational meetings in the upcoming months. You can go to www.ndgop.org and find out who your district chair is and get a hold of them to find out when your Republican district reorganizational meeting is. If you are not sure of what district you are in, you can go to www.legis.nd.gov and click on the “APPROVED Legislative Redistricting Maps” link and find out what district you live in.

We can wait to see what happens or we can get involved and see what happens. It’s our state and those elected will represent us. Let them know what North Dakota wants.

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