New School Building Vote
Dale G. Niewoehner, Rugby
Since I live across the street from Ely Elementary School I see the congestion in the playground, the sidewalks and the streets for delivery and pickup of students. I can’t image the congestion inside the school during school hours.
These students are the future of our community.They should be educated in the best possible manner available in modern teaching principles and for all students no matter their mental and physical ability. It should be unheard of for a student to be taking an exam in the janitor’s closet because there is no room for privacy in the classroom. Classes are being taught in various other non-classroom areas because there is no other space available.
Schools are, and always have been, a place to train and educate the mind and body. Schools are the training ground for leaders, workers, and parents of the future of this community. We must give them the best we can at the elementary level and beyond.
Give these young students – your children – the best we can give them. I would expect that most parents want the best for their children and those that don’t we should strive to show them that there is a better way.
Years ago, if a student was far below average, there wasn’t much that was done for this student. The student dropped out of school, did not graduate from high school, and was left to deal with their life as best they could. Today, we offer mental health workers, speech therapy, tutors, and a range of assistants and counselors.
Let’s give the children of this community the best we can do by supporting the project to enlarge Ely Elementary School. We owe it to them.