Sadness and Pride
Dale G. Niewoehner, Former Mayor
It was 58 years ago that Rugby saw its last murder. It was that sad cold winter morning in 1963 that Rugby Police Office Frank Peterson was murdered in the alley. We should be sad about this, but also proud that we hold this long record. We hope to keep this record for many years to come.
A member of the Peterson family is trying to reproduce a vehicle like the police car that was in use on that fateful morning in memory of Officer Peterson.
From city council minutes we know that the city purchased a new police car in the spring of 1962 from Gronvold Motors. I conclude it was a 1962 four door Chevrolet with automatic transmission. We do not know how it was painted or what colors were used to paint the squad car.
I am writing this to see if any reader of the Pierce County Tribune might have a photograph of the vehicle or remember what color it was painted.
Thank you for your help