LETTER: Keeping Court chambers in Rugby essential
With the recent news of the retirement of Judge John McClintock, a five member panel will convene to study the vacancy of the Judicial Chambers in Rugby and decide whether the position should continue to exist. This panel will take comments from any individual up to March 17, 2017.
It will be essential that we as an expanded community advocate to the Court to continue to house the Chambers in Rugby as we go forward. The existing system has served the entire Northeast District very well in the past and now it is time for us to step up and promote our community to retain this important office. I believe we have much to support our position. The Pierce County Commission has insured that the courtroom as well as the extended offices have been renovated, as well as upgraded with necessary technology to continue the work of the court system in the district. In conjunction with the Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center, it is imperative that this 130 inmate facility has access to the Judicial Chamber. This facility houses every local and state law enforcement agency that exists in our community and having the Judicial Chambers here as well only complements the work of law enforcement in our region. Geographically, Rugby is centrally located between McHenry and Rolette County which makes our chambers as accessible as any city within our unit in the Northeast District.
If you have the desire to comment to the Supreme Court on this matter, please do so before March 17, 2017 when the comment period will end. You can send your comments to: Penny Milller, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 or e-mail her your comments at supclerkofcourt@ndcourts.gov.
It is my hope that the panel will understand our passion for placing the highest priority on public safety in continuing to retain the Judicial Chambers in our community. This effort will only succeed with the support of everyone in the process.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in this very important endeavor.
Jon Nelson,
District 14 ND House of Representatives