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Mullallys gave much to The Tribune, community

By Staff | Sep 17, 2010

Congratulations to Matt and Sonia Mullally as they move on after a long engagement at The Pierce County Tribune.

The Tribune has flourished under the Mullally years winning many awards in the annual Better Newspaper Contest sponsored by the North Dakota Newspaper Association.

More importantly, the residents of Rugby and Pierce County have benefited from the tremendous commitment of Matt and Sonia to their community. Their counterparts at the newspapers of North Dakota wish them well in their new endeavors.

We also congratulate Terri Kelly Barta on her new position as editor and manager of The Tribune. Barta is also a respected member of the North Dakota newspaper community. Her counterparts in the newspapers of North Dakota wish her well as she steps into her important role as the editor of one of the state’s finest newspapers.

Bailey is the

Executive Director of the

North Dakota Newspaper Association