Thank you, Rugby, for your hospitality
The members of the North Dakota Good Sam Club would like to express their deep appreciation for the goodwill and city support provided for our 2010 North Dakota Good Sam Samboree held at the Pierce County Fairgrounds Aug. 15-22.
We have had Samborees in several cities across North Dakota and although we have always received good support, we have never had a reception like we received from the City of Rugby and its residents. Everywhere we went, we were greeted with warmth and enthusiasm. Nowhere did we ever feel like we were not welcome or that we were imposing in any way.
The signs along the highway, in front of businesses, and at the entrance to the fairgrounds, were remarkable. The tours of Samsara Pool Cues and Ladies’ Dress Museum were made even more enjoyable because of this same friendliness.
We would also like to thank M.J. McGuire Company for loaning us a courtesy van for our use; the Cenex Bulk Plant for providing gas for the courtesy van; Leevers Grocery for storing our kuchen and ice cream; and Bob Schmidt and his staff for serving our banquet on Saturday evening. We’d also like to thank all the restaurants for their coupons, service, and good food! (Most Good Sammers thoroughly enjoy good food).
The article in The Tribune, written by Edie Wurgler, was enjoyed by everyone. It was funny yet informative and a tribute to Good Sam and its author!
We would like to thank Mark Voeller and the guys (unfortunately, we can’t remember all their names) from the Rugby Volunteer Fire Department for cleaning the floor of the beer gardens, for offering help if we needed it, for bringing their fire trucks to the fairgrounds Saturday morning, and, especially, for their friendliness, enthusiasm, and cooperation in making our traditional pancake and sausage breakfast. They were at the fairgrounds bright and early, and continued making pancakes and sausage as long as people were eating. They were remarkable.
Although we are not able to list all of the people, one Rugby resident we would especially like to thank, as he was always there when we needed him, is Mr. Don Sobolik. Whenever we needed help in any way, he was there. This support started when we began talking to him about having the Samboree in Rugby, to the very last day when one of our member’s rig wouldn’t start. On a Sunday, he arranged help for them so that their vehicle could be repaired on Monday and they could be on their way.
We’re sure we may have missed some business or someone we shouldn’t have; please accept our apologies for this. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves in Rugby and are looking forward to returning for our Samboree Aug. 21-28, 2011, which will again be held at the Pierce County Fairgrounds.
Albright is the director of the North Dakota Good Sam RV Club.