President’s health care plan will cause big tax hike
I previously wrote about cap and trade. Now I’m going to try to inform all of you people about the healthcare plan President Obama is trying to pass on to all of us. If it passes, it will be the highest tax hike on all of us in American history.
One, he plans to tax 5% on the rich and all small companies which includes us. Two, he plans to pay for all abortions in the world. Three, the elders will get less care because President Obama doesn’t feel the elders will be long for this world and wants to treat the young first. Four, the government and President Obama do not have to get into this plan. I think if we have to get into it, why not them also. They must think it’s no good. Five, if companies don’t give their employees healthcare, they will be charged an 8% tax. Six, doctors do not like this plan. Seven, the Minnesota Mayo Clinic said it will hurt them to be able to give the care they always have been able to give.
Everyone is already covered.
It’s called Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare takes care of the elderly. Medicaid helps those without insurance.
For example, the eight babies born in California; Medicaid paid for them. An illegal immigrant hit a school bus here in Minnesota killing four kids. She had no insurance. Medicaid paid for her care of her injuries. We all give to Medicaid through our taxes.
Please, people. You have got to realize this healthcare plan is terrible for all of you. I haven’t told you half of it. It’s too long to write about everything. Please find out about this for yourself. You can do something about it. You have two Democratic Senators. Vote them out if they vote yes on this.
Nelsen resides in St. Paul, Minn.