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Actions of youth was great

By Staff | Jul 17, 2009

It is well known that in times of trouble North Dakotans come to the rescue of their neighbors. We are all accustomed to seeing the National Guard helping out flood victims in a disaster. We are used to seeing neighbor help neighbor after a tornado goes through a neighborhood. So many times we see adults helping out, relatives chipping in and organizations helping in situations because they feel it’s their duty and they know it’s the right thing to do. North Dakotans are very good about that.

A couple of weeks ago a brief Saturday afternoon wind storm came through Rugby and destroyed a temporary nylon tent that was located on the west side of the Dairy Queen. The family who was selling fireworks from that stand was caught in a tough situation, with pelting rain beginning to damage thousands of dollars’ worth of fireworks. It would have been next to impossible for them to save their inventory, their yearly income.

Out of nowhere, coming to the rescue were a group of young people acting like very responsible adults. Not being told or asked to leave their positions in the Dairy Queen, they could have certainly put their jobs in jeopardy for taking such action without getting permission first.

I can only say that I am proud of Courtney Putnam, Zack Leer, Kyle Lovcik, Jarrett Lovcik and Garrett Thompson. The city of Rugby should be proud of these young adults also. Also, thank you to the owners of the Dairy Queen for allowing them to do what God has given them the emotion to do – help their neighbor. For putting someone else’s well being before their own, I am proud of you all. Thank you.

Jelsing is a Rugby resident.