Relay for Life seeks canned goods
It’s time to think about another year for Relay for Life. I am very excited to be this year’s event chair. We have 22 teams, and they have been busy fundraising for our big event on May 29-30. On their behalf, I want to thank the community for what they’ve done so far.
With this letter, I am seeking a little more help from the community. We have decided to try a new idea for our luminaria bags. We are going to use canned foods instead of sand to weigh down the bags. This is more effective for us with setup and cleanup, and it also gives us a chance to give back to a community that has given so much to our cause.
What can you do to help? Well, I’m asking that you gather a few canned food items from your pantry, or buy a few extra on your next trip to the store. Then, place them in one of the cardboard luminaria boxes at one of the following sites; HAMC (by the cafeteria), Heart of America Library, McCabe Chiropractic, Pamida, and Leevers.
Oh, I almost forgot! The great thing about this idea is that 100 percent of the cans you donate will be given to the local food pantry. I think that’s great.
I thank you in advance for your help in this project. I hope it goes well and we can continue to do this each year. Please remember to join us in a month as we a celebrate. Remember – Fight Back!
Thompson is chairman of the Pierce County Relay for Life.