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A significant healthcare milestone

By Staff | Apr 24, 2009

As an American Heart Association volunteer leader, I realize the importance of recognizing a significant state milestone in the fight against heart disease and stroke.

This past week, the House approved funding for a statewide stroke registry within the Department of Health budget. This project was made possible through the bipartisan and unanimous recommendation of the Human Resources Division of the House Appropriations Committee. Chairman Pollert, and members Bellew, Ekstrom, Kerzman, Kreidt, Metcalf, Nelson and Wieland supported this important project.

Not only does this funding strengthen North Dakota’s stroke treatment system, it represents the first time that the state has provided any funding support for heart disease and stroke program efforts, even though heart disease and stroke are the #1 and #3 causes of death in North Dakota. On behalf of American Heart Association volunteers and survivors, we applaud legislators in this important step forward.

In many hospitals today, healthcare providers face a high-pressure and often chaotic environment. By providing a systematic method for following evidence-based treatment guidelines, hospital staff stay focused on the step-by-step details that are crucial for effective treatment. The result: improved compliance with treatment guidelines, lower rehospitalization rates and expensive long term care needs reduced.

Warner is a member of the AHA ND Advocacy Advisory Committee.?