Council is doing the best it can
It is with great interest that I have watched and listened to the comments about the upcoming street project here in Rugby. As an observation, I find fault with both sides.
First, the city commission. I feel that there has not been enough information on what might be the cost and options of paying for the project. I know you did not have hard numbers, but even some estimates with an option 1, 2 and 3 might have calmed some fears. I know the risk in doing this is that down the road some might say, “YOU SAID,” but that is always the risk of opening the mouth.
Second the “protesters.” I find that the scare tactics and exaggerations are deplorable. If the city does own one-third of the land in the city, as stated in a letter to the editor, it would have to include the following: the lagoon, the walking path, all the public buildings, the fire hall, all school property, tennis courts, ball diamonds and all the parks. So the one-third number might be correct, but should we sell all of the above? After checking with city hall (which is always a good idea), I found that there are only four lots in Rugby that the city owns that could be sold, and they have water problems on them. I’m sure they are for sale if one of you “protesters” wants to buy one.
One of the leading “protesters” told me personally that our property taxes would double and people would have to decide if they were going to buy food or pay their taxes. He said the specials would cost $50 per running foot. After talking to one of the council members and running some numbers, it was that councilman’s hope that a $20-per-running-foot number would be more in the range they hoped to be coming in at. What a difference!
Then there’s last week’s letter to the editor. First, I did not know that some of the council members were “not for the public” as they voted for the garbage disposal contract. It had to be a difficult decision whether to give the work to an out of town company or keep the jobs in Rugby. I think they did the right thing by staying with the in-town business while planning to look it over again next year. What are we to do if we find a lower price out of town? Should we all shop out of town so we can save a few bucks? It’s easy to point the finger, but would it be a different story if it was your job that would be cut?
Also, I would like to know who elected Gloria and Randy to represent all the homeowners of Rugby? I missed that vote somehow. To suggest that the city meet with Randy and two of HIS people seems to say that they represent all of us homeowners against the city council. This is not an us against them. We are all in this together. And furthermore, to say that the council is pushing us around is ridiculous.
We elected the city council to represent all of us. They are doing the best they can to try to fulfill the job we elected them to do. They all live here in Rugby and don’t want to have their own taxes go up any more than any of the rest of us do. However, they are charged with the job of keeping up the streets and running all parts of city government. We will all have differing opinions at times, but I think they do a fantastic job of trying to listen to the residents of our city and at the same time do the job that WE elected them to do.
Rather than only listen to the “protesters’ ” wild claims, how about calling or sitting down with a council member and listening to their thoughts and ideas? I have found them very open and receptive to discuss this and other issues. I want to thank them for the job they do, the time they spend for all of us and for all the guff they put up with from a few. You council members are appreciated.