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Who knows the art of organizing?

I have been told a time or two that I have a lot of "stuff!!" This especially has come up when I have moved or recently when we have been slowly merging two full households. It is easy to forget that before I came to Rugby, I had a lovely 1700-square foot, fully furnished town-home. Sadly all ...

Autumn is upon us

I don't know where summer has gone, but then again we say that just about everything - where has the day gone, the week, the SUMMER, the year...gone? I suppose we don't say it about winter! Ha!As I walked into Ely on Wednesday, the wind struck me and I had a chill of autumn. It sort of ...

Good ol’ family road trip

"On the road again..." I sang and hummed that tuned a number of times in the last week as we headed south to Colorado! "Just can't wait to get on the road again..." It's just fun and light hearted.We headed south for a family wedding in Colorado. With four of us - flying was not going to be an ...

Write and send some letters

I was talking to a gentleman last week about the newspaper - the pros, the cons, the quality (of course negatives and positives) - you can't fix what you don't know is broken! With that, he said to me he really wishes there were more letters to the editor. No offense to said gentleman, however ...

Stars, Stripes and Patrotic Pride

It's finally here the time of year we all love! SUMMER! I cannot believe that June is just a blink away! (And when you read this, it will be over) However, that leads us to the weekend many of us have been looking forward to... the 4th of July weekend!I never was a big 4th of July weekend kind ...

Choose your color carefully

ing colors can be one of the best, funniest and frustrating things! Recently between house projects and painting here and there, colors have often come up. It's no wonder that Crayola can have so many colors in a box (Oh for the love of a big brand new box of crayons!).First there is your ...

Daydreaming of the sun and flowers

How is it some weeks I can sit down at the computer and my fingers can't keep up with what I want to get down on paper, and the next week - more or less - nothing? I am always shocked when it's Thursday. For those of you who don't know, Thursday is the day that we lay out the paper and we get ...

Summer Happenings

I love the response when you ask someone, "How are you doing?" And the response you get is, "Busy!" It's just a relative term and honestly, who isn't busy?With that, as I'm typing the heat reads 86 degrees; summer is officially here! The summer is going to blow past us before we know it. If you ...

New to the Tribune

If you haven't noticed we've been short a writer here at the Pierce County Tribune. I cannot thank Bryce Berginski for stepping it up or Edie Wurgler enough for stepping in and covering when needed, which was regularly! With that, I am happy to announce that I have brought in one of my own Ohio ...

More Changes

Last week I talked about changes, and I had way more I wanted to touch on than space allowed. I had to laugh when Sara's column came across my desk this week talking about change as well. Maybe it's the changing of the season. Who really knows!However, I have some news regarding the Tribune. As ...