It's getting to be that time of year.Everyone makes New Year's resolutions with the best of intentions.To be honest, I generally avoid making resolutions, mostly because I probably don't want to make too close of an examination of what I should resolve to do or I might end up with a three-page ...
I've always enjoyed music.Listening, playing, watching others play -- music has been a huge part of my life and is my favorite pastime.Certainly a day doesn't pass when I'm at the very least humming a tune walking around the office or driving in my car.But recently I've been tossed into the ...
There have only been a very few concerts that could match the star power of the 12-12-12 concert put on to benefit those who were affected by Hurricane Sandy and all of its associated storms.The show has to rank among the top as far as talented musicians brought together for a cause, right up ...
Everyone has holiday traditions.Some folks like to go caroling, while others prefer to mix up a big jug of eggnog and play card games.Hey, maybe there are some people that still cruise around town in a one-horse open sleigh visiting friends and neighbors.Just like the rest, I have some holiday ...
Having a theatre can be a bellwether for a town.If you find a small community with a theatre, it probably also means you'll find other interesting things and people in the town.It is a common meeting place and gives residents a measure of relief and escape after a hard week's work.That is why ...
"I'm packed and heading out," Garvey Erfald announced as he joined the Homeland Security Committee assembled in the community hall for its 2013 planning conference. He shoved his bulging carpet bag under one of the hollow core door tables and pulled up a chair. Little Jimmy was absent. He was ...
Recently in the news it was announced that residents of North Dakota, rather than the government, filed a petition with the "We The People" section of the website, to secede from the Union. Not to mention residents of states like New York, Louisiana, Texas, Delaware, Florida and ...
If you read the Internet chatter, like I do, then you may have read something that sounds a bit disturbing in regards to Social Security, or rather something the administration has done.In the middle of August, Social Security announced that it was purchasing 174,000 hollow-point, .357 caliber ...
I remember learning about McCarthyism and the "Red Scare" in school. In the fifties for about four years, Sen. Joseph McCarthy alleged that Communists and their sympathizers were everywhere. Though McCarthy was eventually admonished and disavowed, the damage was done, and lives and careers of ...
Surveying the 2012 political terrain, analysts at Gallup pontificated that "religion will continue to be a major determinate of how Americans vote for president."With over 80 percent of the electorate identifying themselves as Christians, it should be no surprise that religion would be a factor ...