Write and send some letters
I was talking to a gentleman last week about the newspaper – the pros, the cons, the quality (of course negatives and positives) – you can’t fix what you don’t know is broken! With that, he said to me he really wishes there were more letters to the editor. No offense to said gentleman, however it made me giggle a little as I don’t write letters to the editor (or at least not to this said paper). People have to write the letters for them to get in the paper! I have said and I am trying to spread the word, we now refer to it as “Letters to the Tribune”, as we are running without a true editor by title. By title, I am the general manager and sales/advertising manager. As many of you know I write when needed; I am a photographer by trade so I try and get in pictures and layout the paper. I am confident in both of our writers, Carissa Mavec and Bryce Berginski, with their backgrounds in writing and editing.
With that, to the main subject: Letters to the Tribune. PLEASE feel free to write. We want to hear your thoughts on stories that are in the paper (if you agree on a story or opinion piece or if you disagree with it; if you enjoyed it or if you thought it was unnecessary). We want to know the happenings in town and we want to hear from the community. The rules and standards still apply and do not change. We prefer that letters are 200 words or less. Letters must include the writer’s full name (anonymous letters will not be considered). For verification of said writer: You must include your home address and telephone number. Letters are verified for authenticity and are subject to editing. Please email me at aberg@thepiercecountytribune.com or send by postal mail to The Tribune Attn: Ashley Berg P.O. Box 385 Rugby, ND 58368.
Senator Heitkamp stop in Rugby
I was fortunate to be invited this week to the roundtable discussion with Senator Heitkamp. She wanted to hear about Rugby from the local leaders, business owners and managers. You can read more on this on page 1. However, I wanted to touch on the parts that you can’t read in the story. Names are mentioned, but if you don’t know said person you wouldn’t know that there was ages from young 30s to upper 60s, but mostly the in-between – pretty close if not equally men and women. It was great to see a diverse group along with a group that was willing to not only take time away from their busy work schedules, but willing to speak about what they see in town if it be good or bad. What I appreciated most was in everyone’s voice even when someone was talking on struggles we are facing, I could hear the enthusiasm, love, hope… I may not have the exact word for what I heard, but I truly think it was hope. Everyone has their own dream for Rugby, but they were all their for the betterment of the community. We all want Rugby to succeed and grow! I thank everyone that was at that meeting, but also to those that weren’t… thank you to everyone who strive and continue to make Rugby great! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to come back to this wonderful community! Cheers!