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Wolford community has lost a child

By Staff | Oct 25, 2010

Once again Pierce County has lost a treasure. We have lost a young man who was his parents’ child.

Last week we did not print any stories about him out of respect for his parents’ wishes. Other newspapers ran the story, while we gathered our loved ones close and as a community supported the family.

It is important, I believe, to record the event for history’s sake. So, this week we will run the story discreetly on an inside page.

We need to note for future generations the loss of this young man with so much promise.

He was from Wolford. He attended Wolford School. He was one of three seniors in the Class of 2011. He was president of his senior class. He participated in many activities life had to offer him. He was in speech, drama, the school newspaper, yearbook, shooting club, choir, student council, FBLA, Sand Lake Trail Riders and 4-H.

He was a starter on the North Prairie Cougar football team, playing the position of defensive end. His buddies from the football team who carried him in life, also carried him in death. I suspect that they were always there for him as he would be for them.

I could tell when I talked to the coach last week, that this was a special kid. I could hear it in the sad, huskiness in his voice, as he tried to answer my questions. He refused to release the name of his football player out of respect for the family. I respected that.

Although I do not know the family nor this young man, I grieve with them the loss of their child. As a parent, I can’t even begin to imagine their pain and suffering.

Dillon M. Tofte, 17, was a son, a brother, a grandson, a nephew, a fellow athlete, and a classmate. His life affected all who knew him. The loss is felt by the entire community. No one will forget this young man. He made his mark on the hearts of those who knew him. May he rest in peace.

Barta is The Tribune’s editor.