Rugby is a big player in drawing visitors
Rugby may just be a small town compared with the likes of Fargo, Bismarck or Minot but this summer the Geographical Center proved it is quite capable of hosting some large events.
Here’s a refresher.
In early June Rugby was the site of the Dakota State Eagles convention which brought an estimated 300 Eagles members from throughout North and South Dakota to town for three days.
A week later Rugby hosted the N.D. State Hershey Track Meet which also filled motel rooms and restaurants. That event had over 270 youth participants and there is a good chance Rugby could be hosting the meet again in the future.
And just last week over 100 RV’ers from the Good Sam Club motored into Rugby for a week-long stay. The international organization stopped at businesses and toured local and area attractions. There is a good chance they may be coming back in the future as well.
All three events brought immediate economic impact to Rugby plus it may create additional dollars from those visitors choosing to come back and revisit the community.
And let’s not forget that the summer was jam packed with other activities credited with drawing visitors to town.
There were six nights of racing at the Geographical Center Speedway which brought drivers and fans from other towns. The Pierce County Fair turned in large crowds over its three-days. The Geographical Center men’s softball tournament brought 12 teams from out of town in mid-July. And just recently reported, the Prairie Village Museum’s 25th Village Fair brought people from 28 North Dakota cities and 14 different states and four countries to the museum grounds.
And area events such as the Selz Centennial, Hawk Museum Antique Farm Show provide an economic boost to the community.
Many small towns can’t say they have the resources, facilities or the volunteers to host so many large events.
Rugby can, and with that toil goes the spoils, which is an economic windfall during the summer months.