Still a little summer left
Have you noticed?
The days are getting a bit shorter. Summer is moving briskly along and soon more and more combines will be rolling in the fields. Friday night football games and the turning of the leaves will be upon us.
Although, the summer season runs through much of September, many of us don’t get the the opportunity to enjoy much of that month for vacations and outdoor activities.
School is back in session. Farmers remain busy in the fields and attention turns to hunting.
As a result, we rely on June, July and August to get our fill of summer and engage in events under the sun. And a look at the calendar reveals just a few more weeks left of what many call “true summer.”
But don’t fret.
There is still time to be outside and enjoy the weather. Still time to take in some community events and possibly plan a few small trips to the lake or camping before the school bell calls students back into the classroom.
And time for a few more things such as…
-Early morning walks or evening family bike rides.
-Filling up the children’s pool in the backyard.
-Holding one more rummage sale.
-Playing a few more rounds of golf in shorts and short-sleeved shirts.
-Tending to the vegetable and flower gardens.
-Inviting friends and family over for a barbecue.
-Taking the kids to the park.
Make sure you take advantage of the nice weather, and make it a point to enjoy the outdoors because before we know it the weather will turn.
And we’ll be stuck indoors and longing for warmer days again.