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Fair made big strides this year

By Staff | Jul 16, 2010

Pierce County Fair Board President Don Jelsing was correct in saying this year’s lineup of entertainment and activities was the most diverse since the county fair returned three years ago.

This year’s Pierce County Fair made big strides forward from the previous two years and attendance figures reflected that.

It would have been difficult for someone to review the fair schedule and not find something to see or participate in, and that’s a credit to the fair board, fair volunteers and fair attendees.

The board puts in a great deal of time throughout the year in planning the fair and it takes to heart suggestions, and yes, constructive criticism, to enhance it and make it more appealing to people of all ages.

The board stepped up the evening concert lineup which boosted attendance. It also made sure there were more food vendors this year which fairgoers appreciated. There were also several more free attractions and more kids’ games.

There was also a good number of volunteers who worked the ticket booth, watched over the inflatable kids games as well as organized several free contests and events. Let’s not forget that they did so on a weekend when many people choose to be on vacation and with family and friends. A big thank you to those volunteers.

And finally, those who attended the fair should be applauded. They see this as a worthwhile and fun event for the county and city of Rugby. Their presence buoys the spirits of the fair board.

It’s people that make the fair a success and whether it’s a fair board member, a volunteer, or a fairgoer, all are necessary for this event to continue.

And looking ahead to 2011, the fair will be a key part of the Pierce County-Rugby 125th celebration in early July which also includes an all-school reunion.

The board will have its work cut out in planning next year’s schedule of events and meeting the needs of what should be big attendance numbers, but it does so riding the momentum of a successful 2010 fair.