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Get out and vote this week

By Staff | Jun 4, 2010

Democracy in action.

That’s what going to the polls on election day is all about, and indeed, this Tuesday, June 8 will be an interesting election day.

There is plenty of intrigue with city and county primary and school district elections.

Consider this:

-There are eight candidates vying for four council seats in the city of Rugby. It’s believed to the be the first time in the city’s election history all four terms featured competition in the same election.

-There are three candidates running for the office of mayor, the first time that has happened in 20 years. In addition, the city of Rugby has park board and municipal judgeship seats to fill. Wolford and Balta also have city offices up for election.

-Pierce County’s primary features contested races as well, of course, all those candidates will run again in the November general election. There are two candidates each for sheriff as well as for District One, Three and Five commission seats. There are a number of other four-year county offices up for election this year.

-And not to be forgotten is the Rugby School District’s election which includes a $6 million no-interest general obligation bond issue for remodeling and a new addition at the Jr.-Sr. High. It’s the first time in more than two decades voters have been asked to support a school bond issue.

If that’s not enough, the June 8 ballot also includes the party primary. Voters will need to vote one party for state and federal offices. Among them is U.S. Senator and U.S. Rep.

Closer to home all three District 7 state legislators are up for election.

Indeed, there is a lot of election news to digest and to help with that The Tribune has devoted a good amount of space in this week’s issue.

We encourage you to take time this week and vote in the city and primary election.