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Three reasons to support school bond issue

By Staff | May 21, 2010

Rugby school district voters will vote on a $6 million zero interest general obligation bond issue to make renovations and construct a new addition at the Rugby Jr.-Sr. High.

It will mark the first time in more than two decades a bond issue question has come before voters in the district. The proposed project is quite extensive and addresses upgrades in nearly every corner of the building.

Here’s three reasons why district voters should support the $6 million bond issue.

Timing is right

Yes, even though this proposed project is coming on the heels of a major street improvement project in the city of Rugby funded largely through special assessments, this project is financed through zero interest general obligation bonds.

A one-time opportunity which will save approximately $2 million in interest costs. Also, the district’s general mill levy dropped from 180 to 110 a year ago, easing the current burden on local taxpayers to fund K-12 public education.

Repairs are inevitable

The main objective of the project is renovating the 1955 high school wing which was constructed, thanks to voter approval of a bond issue, 55 years ago. At first glance these classrooms look like any other, but a closer examination reveals these rooms lack the proper electrical wiring to meet the technology needs with classrooms in the 21st Century. Plus, the heating and cooling systems in these rooms are woefully in need of replacement. No one can argue that, after 50-plus years, this wing of the school is in need of extensive renovation. And if it’s not funded through the sale of zero-interest bonds, it will be completed in a piecemeal fashion, but likely for more money.

Sends the right message

The school system is one of the key elements of this community. When people are considering Rugby as their new home, one of the first things they do is check out the schools. And just as important as the education taking place inside the schools is how these facilities look and the kind of learning environment being provided.

Rugby has earned the reputation of providing a quality education, but the ability to continue to do that is dependent on offering a good learning environment.

It’s clear that renovations and improvements are overdue at the Jr.-Sr. High.

District voters have the opportunity to send the message they support their schools, and the future of education in Rugby, by voting yes on the bond issue measure on June 8.