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Volunteer in the community this year

By Staff | Jan 7, 2010

The new year is just over a week old, and how are you doing on those New Year’s resolutions?

Well, if you have struck out already or haven’t picked one yet, consider volunteer work.

It doesn’t require a great sacrifice or major lifestyle change. It does require giving up a little time and some effort.

Small towns like Rugby survive on the extra effort and service of their citizens.

If we want a gymnastics program, it takes volunteers. If we want a Sunday School program, it takes volunteers. If we want community theatre and music concerts, it takes volunteers. If we want 24-hour ambulance and firefighting service, it takes volunteers.

You get the picture.

Many of the great things about this community are linked to volunteers.

It’s often said there are a large number of community events and programs going on for a town this size and that directly equates to people who volunteer.

However, we can’t assume they will always be there. Everyone needs a break, or help. There must always be a new crop of people willing to step forward and get involved.

That’s what enables programs and events in the community to continue.

So, find an activity or a service organization that interests you, or a program that your child is in, or maybe a group at your church. It doesn’t matter what, what does matter is that you participate.

The world is run by those who show up and that world is a better place when those who “show up” give of their time and talents.

So as we begin a new year, consider making a positive impact in the community by volunteering.

Not only will others benefit from your service, but chances are you’re life will be enriched as well.