Party safely this week
We’re on the cusp of another year and this week many will take part in the tradition of ringing in the new year by going out on the town or gathering elsewhere.
Several local restaurants and bars will be hosting special promotions to attract customers, and likely many private parties will take place this New Year’s Eve as well.
This, indeed, is a popular night out for many, but there are a few reminders before heading out the door.
-The New Year’s holiday ranks as one of the most dangerous due to the extra traffic driving in the late evening and early morning hours, and, of course, the alcohol factor.
Residents are encouraged to carpool and always have a sober driver. Also, leaving the bar or parties before 1 a.m. may help avoid the rush of traffic at closing time.
-It’s also winter and recently we have experienced some bitterly cold temperatures. While the weather forecast is for temperatures slightly above zero degrees, motorists should always dress warmly and prepare a winter survival kit, especially if leaving town to go to establishments or parties outside of the city. Cell phones are a handy tool, but they aren’t always reliable. Have a backup plan if you get stranded in your vehicle, and it’s always a good idea to tell someone where you are going.
-If you plan to drink alcohol, do so wisely. Be mindful of your beverage consumption and that of your friends around you. Keep the celebration to a responsible and safe level.
-And remember, local law enforcement will be out in full force to ensure our streets and highways are safe and free of impaired drivers. The Rugby Police Department has implemented a “zero policy” when it relates to impaired drivers, so make arrangements to have a sober driver behind the wheel. And if you have had too much to drink, make other arrangements to get home.
Enjoy the night, but do so sensibly so we can all wake up to a new year.