Keep local merchants in mind this holiday season
The weather may not have gotten you into the holiday spirit just yet, but the holidays are approaching.
And while you check your gift lists, check where you are purchasing those gifts as well.
Are you supporting your hometown businesses?
The holiday seasons are just as important to them as they are for Walmart, Kohl’s, Target and other corporate giants.
True, those large retail businesses have something our hometown stores can’t offer – volume. And volume means more product choices, product availability and at lower prices.
Of course, that is not always the case and sometimes local businesses can provide shoppers a good selection at fair prices.
While it’s easy to jump in the car and travel 60 or 120 miles on a Saturday afternoon to purchase a vast majority of our holiday gifts, it’s those trips that hurt our hometown.
And in this day in age, on-line shopping has become just as popular. No longer does someone have to be in New York City or other metropolitan areas to enjoy shopping at such places as Macy’s or Marshall Fields. A few clicks of a mouse and items can be purchased and shipped right to the on-line buyer’s home. No standing in lines. That’s hard to beat.
True, we can’t get everything in Rugby and local business owners know that. Sometimes the only choice is to go out of town, or go on-line to get the desired item.
We all have a right to do our shopping where ever and how ever, but remember our shopping habits do have an impact on our community.
No one wants to see our local stores struggle. We want them to remain open and part of our community.
To ensure than it takes a commitment from everyone. A commitment from stores to provide products that customers request and at reasonable prices.
And customers willing to show loyalty and make their purchases in town.