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Jurena’s leadership was key to HAMC’s progress

By Staff | May 1, 2009

Heart of America Medical Center CEO Jerry Jurena called the changes made at the medical center under his direction “stepping stones,” but they were more than that.

Many were significant, and it’s hard to believe they all occurred during a 15-year period under Jurena’s leadership.

Last month Jurena announced he was stepping down to become president of the N.D. Healthcare Association. It’s a position filled with many challenges, but one which can also do a lot of good things for the hospitals in this state, including the HAMC.

During his time in Rugby Jurena helped to bring about many positive and innovative changes to the medical center.

They included:

-Creating the Golden Heart Paramedics.

-Renovating the first floor, creating a Wellness Center and relocatiing the Fox Auditorium.

-Renovating of the long term care unit.

-Additions to the Haaland Home and Haaland Manor, the complex now called Haaland Estates.

-Expanding the physical therapy and occupational therapy departments which now provide services to neighboring communities.

-Establishing a nurse training program through partnerships with state colleges.

-Opening a surgical clinic.

-Establishing a physician emergency room group.

And there are still projects in the works:

-Remodeling the hospital’s ground floor.

-Creating an on-site dialysis service through a partnership with Trinity Health of Minot.

-Recruiting physicians and continuing discussion on consolidating with neighboring Johnson Clinic.

Jurena’s leadership will be missed, but as he said, there are many creative and ambitious people on the hospital staff. And they will work to continue its progress.

It’s comforting knowing one of the key healthcare advocates in the state is well aware of the challenges of providing quality healthcare in rural North Dakota. Jurena will do well in that role.