Time for some potpourri
U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) closed his public forum in Rugby earlier this month by thanking those who attended, and drawing from a quote he once heard: “The world is run by those who show up.”
Indeed, those who take an active role in the democratic process by attending forums and asking questions of elected officials should be commended. Their concerns don’t fall on deaf ears.
Their participation shows they have an interest in our government and how it is being run. Presently, many Americans are frustrated with the condition of our nation and upset with lawmakers and some of the recent decisions they have made in response to our slumping economy.
And those frustrations came out at the Dorgan forum. Some of those feelings the Senator shared, and some of them he respectfully disagreed with. But the exchange in dialogue was good, and that’s what makes this form of government work.
We have opportunities to question our elected officials, and they listen.
Road work ahead
Road construction will be all around us this spring and summer. The city-wide street improvement project has officially been approved by the Rugby city council. The Department of Transportation will be completing road work along N.D. Highway 3 in and north of Rugby. There will also be highway repairs on U.S. 2 west and east of Rugby later this year. While all the road work will seem to be a bother, have patience. These improvements will be much appreciated in the years to come.
Congratulations, speech members
And finally, kudos to speech participants in Rugby and Wolford.
It takes courage to perform in front an audience and judges. Many placed high at the recent region speech competition in Rugby and will advance to the Class B state meet later this month. As with other extracurricular activities, those who put in the time and effort rise to the top, and many local students have done just that. Speech doesn’t get as much attention as other school activities, but the public speaking skills these students are learning will prove valuable in the years to come.