Think spring, Think clean!
The snow is beginning to melt, warmer days are upon us and the calendar reads spring.
Citizens are thinking about spring cleaning and what projects they need to undertake – inside and outside – to keep their homes and lawns looking good.
We also want to extend that mindset to our community.
One of the repeated comments visitors seem to share is that our town looks tidy. A well-kept community says a lot about its people. It shows they pay attention to details, take pride in their homes and lawns, are conscientious about their neighbors and the environment and want to leave a good impression.
We should all be proud that we strive to keep our properties looking clean and that our streets and parks generally stay tidy.
However, keeping our community clean takes a continued commitment, and unfortunately there are times when people treat our town as their personal garbage can and choose to litter.
A big reason is just lazy behavior. People find it easier to dump garbage from their vehicles onto the street instead of putting it into the trash when they get home.
Another reason is lack of education and awareness. Several years ago there were campaigns asking citizens not to pollute.Today, we don’t see too many of those public service announcements, so more pressure is on parents, teachers and community leaders to educate our young about respecting the community and environment.
We are fortunate to live, for the most part, in a well-kept community. It became that way because many citizens felt strongly about having tidy lawns, clean streets and parks.
However, keeping things that way depends on everyone, young and old. It not a big responsibility. Just an important one.