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Tourney provides a boost

By Staff | Mar 6, 2009

Hotel rooms will be occupied. Restaurants will be busy, and the parking lot at Rugby’s Al Wentz Arena will be full morning, noon and night this coming week.

Rugby’s Amateur Hockey Association (RAHA) will hosting the N.D. state Bantam B1 tournament, March 13-15, and eight teams from all corners of the state will come to the Geographical Center.

For the local economy, it’s like a slap shot in the top corner of the goal.

A vast majority of lodging accommodations will be taken by the teams. Eating establishments, gas stations and some retail stores can also expect a boost in business over the weekend tournament. And while some businesses will benefit directly, the entire community benefits indirectly.

As we know, money turns over several times in a town, and when that money comes from outside the community, it’s even better.

Of course, an event like this takes a great deal of planning and volunteer help. And a number of residents have given many hours to make this event a success.

While Rugby’s bantam team won’t be among the field of teams participating, the tournament is an important revenue producer for the RAHA.

Whether or not you have a child involved in the local hockey association, no one can argue the program provides many benefits to the community over the winter months. And one of them is giving a financial boost by hosting tournaments that draw teams to Rugby.

So if you meet someone this weekend who has come from out of town for the hockey tournament, give them a warm welcome to our community.

There can be only one team holding the championship trophy, but the Rugby community has scored big, too.