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SERVING OUR VETERANS: Veterans honor flights for 2020

The Veterans Honor Flight of North Dakota/Minnesota announced that applications will now be accepted from veterans who served through May 7, 1975. That includes veterans who served during the Vietnam War. If a Vietnam veteran previously applied, and did not serve through 1959, they are being ...

LET’S COOK: Heritage Singers Variety Show

Hey, guess what started in Minot this week? I will give you a clue. It has to do with singing, comical skits, and it has been an annual event for the past 32 years. If you guessed the Heritage Singers Variety Show, you are right. Those of you who have been to the show know it is variety with a ...

SERVING OUR VETERANS: ‘Fast track’ to VA oncology services

On October 8, 2019, the Fargo VA Health Care System (HCS) announced they are taking part in an initiative that offers eligible veterans with active cancer, who have not yet enrolled in the VA HCS, the ability to "fast track" to VA oncology services. Through this initiative, eligible veterans ...

LET’S COOK: The Valentine’s box

Sometimes do you need both a joy and a challenge? The two can come from the same activity this month, and that activity is making a Valentine box. It has been many years since my school days but hardly a year passes that I do not take the time to make a Valentine Box.Last year's Valentine box ...

SERVING OUR VETERANS: Veterans commemorative tile project

Clarence Larson American Legion Post #23 of Rugby has begun a new project to honor our Pierce County veterans. It is called the Veterans Commemorative Ceiling Tile project. The plan is to replace the existing false ceiling tiles in the American Legion meeting room, located in the basement of ...

Moldy feed samples needed

Harvest challenges this fall have led to lots of questions about molds on feeds and livestock feeding considerations. Molds can produce toxins that can be harmful to livestock especially young calves, replacement heifers and pregnant cows. What many folks aren't aware of is that mold ...

SERVING OUR VETERANS: A Vietnam veteran—one of our own

As a young boy growing up in Pierce County, North Dakota, and graduating from Rugby High School in 1964, Tim Paul narrowed his future down to two options. He could go to college or end up in the draft. He chose going to college. But, it didn't take long to realize the college route was not for ...

Extension office offers several winter meetings

Pierce County Agriculture Improvement Meeting- Thursday, January 16, 2020 1:00 p.m. @ Dakota FarmsTopics: Wheat and Barley Commodity Representative Elections, Pigweed ID and Other Weed Concerns, Crop Budgets and Comparisons, NDAWN Station Uses and Applications, Soil Acidity Management5th ...

LET’S COOK: The hue of handwriting

What is something that we do daily that can engage our intellect, emotion and style? What daily activity with creative moments engage both our mind, heart and good cup of coffee?What daily activity can we improve upon without sacrificing a thing? What daily activity can convey power and beauty ...

SERVING OUR VETERANS: Disabled veterans access to commissaries and exchanges

The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 provides certain veterans and caregivers of veterans access to Department of Defense (DoD) commissaries, exchanges, and morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) retail facilities beginning Jan. 1, 2020. Medal of Honor ...