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Tradition Barley, ND17009GT Soybean seed available

By Staff | Mar 29, 2019

The Pierce County Agriculture Improvement Association (PCAIA) has an adequate supply of Tradition barley and ND17009GT soybean seed available for distribution to commodity growers for the 2019 growing season.

ND17009GT soybeans provide growers with a cost effective way to add soybeans into the crop rotation. Growers should use a Glyphosate product combined with a pre-emerge chemical to ensure clean fields.

The North Dakota Variety Trial Results for 2018 and Selection Guide can be accessed on the web at: or by picking up a copy at the Pierce County Extension office.

Seed Variety flyers are also available on the North Dakota Crop Improvement & Seed Association website at:

To request seed lots, contact the Pierce County Extension office at 776-6234 ext. 5.

Youth History Garden

The NDSU Extension – Pierce County office will be offering its annual spring/summer youth garden program, which is set to begin Thursday, April 11 and run through August 1. This year’s garden theme is history. Any youth age 5 years and up are welcome to attend. Youth under 10 must be accompanied by an adult chaperone. Registration fee is $10 and the registration deadline is April 5.

Youth and their families will plant and maintain a variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers commonly grown and used by pioneers and early settlers. Several agricultural crop species (sunflowers, canola, soybean, and wheat) common to our area will also be grown.

Bi-weekly lessons throughout the spring and summer will include fun activities to help participants learn how plants grown by pioneers were used for food and more! Lessons and activities will also help participants gain an increased awareness of their environment and agriculture by learning the connections between people, plants, soil, and water.

At the end of the summer, youth will share their gardening knowledge with family members at a family night by displaying their garden journals and sharing their favorite garden lesson from the program sessions. During this fun evening, everyone will help make a meal of Great Plains Stew, biscuits and dessert using outdoor Dutch ovens like the pioneers did!

Since the family night is a culmination of the previous sessions, attendance and participation at all sessions is strongly encouraged.

Contact the Pierce County Extension office at 776-6234 ext. 5 for an agenda, registration forms or more information.