SCHMIDT: Ag improvement board seeking local producers
The Pierce County Ag Improvement Board is seeking local producers who are interested in being seed increase growers for the 2019 growing season. In order to request a new variety, the Pierce County Ag Improvement Association asks that the grower has successfully raised certified seed in the past five years or demonstrates the capability of following and completing the certification process in order to qualify for increasing seed. The Pierce County Agriculture Improvement Association (PCAIA) Board of Directors reserves the right to choose or limit grower(s) of these varieties.
If interested in being considered as a seed increase grower, you must notify the Pierce County Extension office of your bushel request by Thursday, March 7 so that the Pierce County Ag Improvement Board can meet its deadline to review and request allocations.
The following new North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAES) developed varieties are available to the County Seed Increase Program in the spring of 2019 in very limited quantities (performance information attached):
* New Conventional Soybean “ND Rolette” – tested as exp. # ND12-15647
* New Flax “ND Hammond”- tested as experimental # NDFB10
ND Rolette is a conventional experimental soybean line that is not resistant to glyphosate herbicide. ND Rolette has a 00.9 maturity. It is resistant to Race 4 of phytophthora root rot. ND Rolette has shown a good level of tolerance to iron?deficiency chlorosis on soil where IDC is present. It has good lodging resistance and high yield for its maturity. ND Rolette has purple flower color, gray pubescence, tan pod color, buff hila with a dull seed coat. The pedigree of ND Rolette is MN0095 X ND05*17649. The pedigree of ND05*17649 is MN0302*[ND95* 1564*MN0201]. ND Rolette is tolerant to metribuzin herbicide. ND Rolette has performed very well in the multi-state Uniform Regional Test that also includes testing sites in southern Minnesota and Canada. (See attached Data)
ND Hammond is a brown seeded flax cultivar. The mean seed yield of ND Hammond in NDSU flax breeding trials at Fargo, Casselton and Carrington over 3 years was 29.6 bu/acre, 7.9% higher than the mean of 18 flax cultivars grown in North Dakota. The mean oil content of ND Hammond in 2015 and 2016 was 36.8%, 3.3% lower than the mean of 18 flax cultivars. ND Hammond was identified as resistant to Fusarium wilt. The mean seed yield of ND Hammond in 2017 Flax Variety Trials at Langdon, Minot, Carrington, Williston, and Hettinger was 22.8 bu/a, 2.1% higher than the mean of 20 flax cultivars grown in North Dakota. The mean oil content of ND Hammond was 43.8%, 2.6% lower than the mean of 20 flax cultivars. The line flowered (55 d) and matured (85 d) the same as the mean of 20 flax cultivars grown in North Dakota. Plant height (21.6 inch) was slightly shorter than the mean of 20 flax cultivars.
Foundation Seed of Tradition Barley will also be available to the County Crop Improvement Seed Increase Program in the spring of 2019. (Reminder: Foundation seed of these maintenance varieties will be available to CCIA increase growers under the modified maintenance Seed Increase Agreement. Please contact NDCISA for information on the increase program, seed availability, foundation class seed prices, and royalties that are collected on registered and certified seed sales)
Farmers, Ranchers Have Ways to Manage Stress
Piled-up stress can lead farmers and ranchers to develop physical or mental health issues, but they can take steps to reduce stress and create healthy ways to manage it, says a North Dakota State University Extension expert.
“Farm and ranch families often experience pressure, conflict and uncertainty, especially during harvesting and planting,” says Sean Brotherson, Extension family science specialist. “If feelings of frustration and helplessness build up, they can lead to intense family problems involving spouses or partners, children, parents and other relatives. If left unresolved, these feelings can lead to costly accidents, poor decisions, strained relationships, health concerns and risks, including suicide.”
Using strategies such as controlling events, attitudes and responses can help manage symptoms of stress, according to Brotherson.
“Farmers, ranchers and their family members and employees can learn to manage their stresses well, even during planting, harvesting or times of difficulty,” he says. “The key is to be flexible and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Make time daily to take care of yourself because your work is vital to all of us. Your health is your most important asset on your farm or ranch operation. “
To help manage stress, Brotherson suggests:
* Taking control of events by planning ahead and discussing who can be available to help before key seasons arrive – Make time to set priorities so you can focus on what needs to be done today and what can wait.
* Taking control of attitudes that influence you – Identify the sources of the stress you have, and which ones you can and cannot change. Shift your focus off worrying and onto problem solving. Notice what you have achieved rather than what you did not accomplish. Set goals and daily expectations that are realistic. How you view a situation is a key factor in creating or eliminating stress.
* Controlling your responses to stressful conditions – Take a break when feeling stressed, and focus on relaxing your body and mind. Take three deep breaths slowly and let go of unwanted stress. Think positive thoughts, balance work and play, find someone to talk to and seek help when you need it.
Brotherson encourages farm and ranch family members to get additional resources at and talk to trusted friends or associates, such as pastors or counselors, or call North Dakota’s 2-1-1 help line.