LET’S COOK: Happy living for 2019
There is a comfort in the thought that once a year we may close the books on a chapter in our lives that has brought joys, changes and disappointments, and turn over a new leaf. As Alexander Pope once said, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast,” and 2019 affords the opportunity to expand in the full glow of optimism for the future.
Full glow in our lives is often achieved by repeated attempts, and this is certainly a lifelong adventure. Your attempts may be being a better parent, fisherman, artist, farmer, or cook; let us not forget napkin folding with a flare and cherishing Aunt Sally’s antimacassar! Today attempts for many of us involve change, and key to keeping a glow through of life’s stages can be aided with the following happy living tips:
– Keep your body strong to guard your health. Exercising is one of your best friends walking indoors and outdoors will make you feel better.
– Keep your mind clear. When perplexed, learn how to think your way out of things.
– Keep your spirit high and try not to worry instead do something that lifts your spirit like reading. Books are often full of comforting advice and good cheer and can be shared with others in conversation.
– Keep your sense of humor and exercise several good laughs each day.
– Keep practicing self-improvement, learn something new in the shape of a hobby, computer skill or napkin folding.
– Keep making friends with people of all ages; volunteering makes this easy.
– Keep working and remember our grandparents were right–there is no substitute for hard work.
– Keep recalling and sharing family treasures with loved one.
Many of us will agree that our most precious treasure, next to robust health, is time. Don’t waste it on people who are negative and whose company and influence are harmful to you. Select your friends as you do lettuce with a careful eye.
This winter I have been recalling daily a favorite family treasure. It involves wearing my dad’s wool, full-length, brown nub dress coat. Wearing it brings me happiness, and I have to smile at the many compliments I have received from both young and old. No need to shop for another as this one simply cannot be topped with its style, memory and warmth. What family treasure will you add to the happy and keep collection in 2019?