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SERVING OUR VETERANS: Putting this November into perspective

By Staff | Nov 9, 2018

Time rolls on and here we are again in the month of November. Three events occur during this month that we as Americans should always be thankful for.

The first occurred earlier this week, election day. Hopefully you all took the time to vote. It is one of the many freedoms we have and should not be taken for granted. May we always see our right to vote as our duty and a privilege.

The second event is Veterans Day. This year holds special significance as November 11 will mark the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI, which ended on the 11th hour of the 11th month of 1918. It was to be the war to end all wars. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. It was followed by WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf Wars and yet today in Iraq and Afghanistan. These wars have come at a great cost in sacrifice and human life. Yet, in spite of all these wars, our freedoms and liberties have not been lost. This, no doubt, is a tribute to those who have served and are serving in our military today. Did you know that only 0.4 percent of our U.S. population today is serving in our military. Think about this. The freedom we have is being protected by a very small section of our citizens. Yet, we have confidence in them that they will continue to do their duty to defend our principles of democracy. No wonder they are often referred to as our “nation’s finest.”

This leads me to the third event we celebrate this month, Thanksgiving. On this Thanksgiving Day, along with all the other blessings we have, let us not forget to be thankful for this small percentage of our population who have done so much for us. Be thankful for those who have served in our Armed Forces and for those who are serving today. Because of what they have done and are presently doing, we are able to freely vote on election days, freely voice our opinions, choose to run for an office if we wish, freely worship and attend the church of our choice, free to own our own land and businesses and the list goes on. For all we have, for all our veterans have done for us, let us always be supportive and thankful.

May God continue to bless this great land of ours. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!