Mavec: Cat trials
I recently became a mom. A cat-mom, that is.
No, I do not have any children yet, and I do not plan to until after I am married. Believe me, having an 11- or so week-old kitten is the only child I need right now. Between being woken up every single morning to a chorus of meows and screams (yes, he screams) and having to clean his litter box every evening, I have my hands full.
I absolutely love my little Solomon, but he is absolutely the most rowdy kitten I have ever had.
I had two kittens when I was in kindergarten, neither of which I remember very well, but I do remember that my mom mostly took care of them. I bought my sister a kitten about three years ago, my “nephew” Grayson. My sister says otherwise, but I cannot believe that Grayson was as busy as my Solomon is.
Solomon loves to play, which I am completely fine with and even encourage on a daily basis. However, with his playing comes the climbing, scratching, biting, running away, etc. Basically, everything that I don’t want him to do, he does.
This past weekend, he discovered the hallway that leads to the garage. Of course, being a naturally curious kitten, every time I open the door to my apartment, he darts out and runs down the hallway and into the garage. As he is a house kitten, I am always afraid that he will get lost or perhaps worse. Why couldn’t God have made pets understand the English language?
Anyway, after searching the entire garage for Solomon and him having an adventurous day in the Tribune office, I finally was able to get him back into the safety of my apartment. Needless to say, the hallway to the garage is now being blocked so that he can’t get back there again.
The things we humans endure for some cute companionship!
Mavec is a reporter for the Tribune.