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Tribune readers invited to pose questions

By Staff | Sep 2, 2016

Readers of North Dakota newspapers are invited to submit questions that could be posed to the three candidates for governor when they square off in a campaign debate Oct. 3 in Bismarck.

The debate-featuring Democrat Marvin Nelson, of Rolla, Republican Doug Burgum, of Fargo, and Libertarian Marty Riske, of Fargo-will be hosted by The North Dakota Newspaper Association.

The candidates will be questioned by a panel of newspaper journalists from around the state, but the questions will come, in large part, from newspaper readers. Readers can submit question ideas by email to the Pierce County Tribune at aberg@thepiercecountytribune.com. Please include your name and city of residence.

Question suggestions can be submitted to your local newspaper through Sept. 14. The debate’s panelists will decide which questions are eventually presented to the candidates, though in general, long, leading or partisan questions are not likely to be selected.

The debate, which will be open to the public, will be held at the historic Belle Mehus Auditorium in downtown Bismarck.