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September marks beginning of new 4-H year

By Staff | Sep 20, 2013

With school now underway, it’s also time to start off the new 4-H year. The new 4-H year began on September 1st. For those families with youth that were enrolled in a 4-H club last year, the Extension office will be mailing re-enrollment forms and packets to each family this year. If your child is not currently a member and would like to join please contact the Pierce County Extension office at 776-6234 ext. 5 for more information.

We at the Pierce County Extension office are looking forward to the new 4-H year and all the exciting events available for 4-H’ers to participate in. We are especially looking forward to having Pierce County 4-H’ers join us in getting involved in National 4-H Week, Multi-County Activity Day, Livestock and Crops Judging, Meats Judging, Consumer Choice Judging, Communications Arts, Hippology, Horse Judging, Land Judging, Film Festival, and Shooting Sports to name a few.


The Cloverbud Program is an introduction to the traditional 4-H club experience for children age 5-7.

The purpose of the Cloverbud program is to give young children a sense of belonging to a group and a chance to learn to get along with others while building self-confidence and self-esteem. As they develop a relationship with an adult helper, they explore interests and develop a positive attitude about learning.

Cloverbuds can be integrated into a club with older 4-H members or a separate club involving Cloverbuds only. Most clubs meet once or twice a month. Meeting time is spent learning the Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Pledge, participating in a short business meeting, working on one or two projects, and participating in social games and snack time.

Cloverbuds do not sign up for specific projects. Leaders provide short lessons and activities appropriate for the age of the group. Cloverbuds can participate in local events such as Project Days, local Communication Arts contests, and Achievement Days in a non-competitive manner.

4-H Members

4-H Members are youth ages 8-18. This age group is part of the competitive program and has full membership in the 4-H program. The purpose of 4-H membership is to give youth an opportunity to learn through hands-on, learn-by-doing techniques. 4-H members learn about leadership, community service, and an endless variety of projects areas. Our vision for North Dakota is for 4-H members to become positive, productive citizens and catalysts for effective change to meet the needs of a diverse and changing society.

A 4-H club is made up of five or more youth from three or more families. Clubs normally meet one to two times a month. Meetings include a business meeting, project work, demonstrations, and social time. Projects can be through individual study or in a group setting such as at a club meeting. 4-H members in this age group can be involved in many different activities and events on local and state levels.


The quality of a youth’s 4-H experience to a large extent depends on the relationship built between the 4-H members and their volunteer leaders.

Adults and teens who are interested in becoming 4-H leaders can influence the development of young people in their communities through 4-H clubs. Clubs that are planned and “owned” by the adults and youth of a community create the most successful 4-H clubs.

While the most common volunteer in 4-H is being a General (organizational or club leader), there are several other volunteer categories. You can be a Project leader, Resource leader, Activity leader, or Special leader. Another option might be to start your own club with your child and a group of their friends and parents. Either way, the Pierce County Extension office will be happy to help answer your questions and guide you through the process.

For further information contact the Pierce County Extension Office at 701-776-6234 ext. 5.