Wolford News…
It’s a foggy morning as I sit down to write the past week’s news. On Tuesday evening a movie, “The Blind Side”, was enjoyed in the dining room with good attendance. Thank you to whoever sponsors this! On Wednesday evening I accompanied Howard Thompson to Lenten Service at First Lutheran Church conducted by Pastor Dana Holter and Pastor Sharon Baker, and a meal followed by the ladies of the church. We had a cold snap for a few days-below zero! On Friday I got my income tax filed and paid. On Saturday morning Chris Brossart, Bria and Braden visited me at my apartment and we had a good visit. My daughter, Orlayne Held of rural Grand Forks called to tell me about Easter. On Sunday morning I accompanied Howard to Wolford Lutheran Church for services conducted by Pastor Holter, and Jon Nelson read scripture, and there was excellent attendance. Kathy Peters and Kirstin Alberg served an array of goodies for lunch hour following. Later I went to the home of my sister, Ellen Mae and Larry Slaubaugh, and Ellen Mae and I went to Rock Lake home of our sister, Shirley and George Lewis. Also present were their daughter, Cheryl of Hansboro, our brother, Harold and Phyllis Pantsari, sister, Anna Hunt, her son, Gary and Jennifer, all of Rock Lake, nieces, Diane and Dennis Leas of Cando and Karen and Clayton Krueger of rural Egeland. We had two cakes after our meal in honor of Karen’s March 25th birthday and Shirley’s March 27th birthday. On Monday afternoon I enjoyed tea and cookies at Helen Hawk’s apartment.
The State Thresher’s Association meeting was held at the Dale and Martha Hawk Museum recently. There were about 45 in attendance from North Dakota, Minnesota and Canada. A supper was served by Laura and Terry Sarkilahti of Rolla.
Margie Beck recently received a phone call from former Wolford teacher, Ben and Christine Gross, from Peach Tree City, Georgia. They sent greetings to everyone who remember them.
On Sunday at noon Dan and Marlys Slaubaugh and Cleo and Char Yoder brought dinner to Bessie Hochstetler that they enjoyed together. In the evening daughters, Barb Slaubaugh and Lila Kanagy came to visit.
Vernon Erickson and his son, Garland of Minot, who visited Vernon for a couple of days, were Saturday evening supper guests of Eileen Erickson at her apartment. Garland returned to his home on Sunday morning.
Coming to Ramona Gronos’s farm home on Sunday to help her son, Les, celebrate his upcoming birthday on Monday were his son, Justin and friend, Roxanne; Lindsay Gronos and her friend, Casey, all of Minot. Special cake was enjoyed.
90th Birthday
Helen Hawk, Esther Smith, Ida Vrem and Libby Wheeler accompanied Kenneth Tastad to Rolette for the 90th birthday celebration for Mabel Armstrong at Valle Lutheran Church on Saturday.
11th Birthday
On Sunday Margie Beck went to son, Dale and Lorinda’s home in Rolette to help Connor celebrate his 11th birthday along with her sons, Donn, Lori and Kaitlin and Doug, Gina and Logan, all of Cando, as well as Lorinda’s family. Special cake was enjoyed.