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The power of red pumps

By Staff | Sep 3, 2010

Last week we had a rummage sale and sold many of Lydia’s adorable dresses and shoes.

We had given many of them away, and yet the collection was still at a sizeable level.

As we sorted through her garments, our hearts tugged at us to keep more of them. However, reality won out on many of them. That is, until we came across her darling red sandals-they were instantly placed into the “save” box. I admit it; I have a weakness for ladies wearing red fashionable shoes.

My mind starting recollecting the sweet comments that folks made when they saw her toddling about in these vogue red soles! As ladies of all ages took an interest in her red shoes, I witnessed pure happiness as they shared their own red-shoe stories. One woman said that in the 40’s she always carried a pair of red shoes in her old car. They came in very handy when her old junker broke down and she had to hitchhike. She smiled as she told Lydia when men see red shoes and great legs they stop to help. Another shared that she always wore red high heels to bingo because they brought her luck. However, the most uplifting story had to be from the woman who daily wore red heels and only removed them after she had received a kiss from her hubby!

When Jan and Rebecca Hennessy-Jungemann first made their appearance on the Wolford Public School steps, they became friends instantly. One of the first things they did while shopping at Myhre’s Department Store was to purchase red Naturalizer pumps. They were sporty, open-toed, pleated, and, of all things, had a trendy v-cut side! Oh, the merriment these ladies had in these shoes! I recall coming to visit Jan in Wolford while we were dating. I had arrived early in the afternoon and parked my 1975 black Monte Carlo behind the school. Jan was unaware I was in the school, so I had the distinct pleasure of standing by her room and hearing her teach business office procedures. She stood in front of the room in her denim dress, red belt, and red shoes and she said, “Do you know how important secretaries are? Well, a lawyer could be gone for a week and the office would run smoothly. However, if the secretary were to be gone for a day, the office would have to close!” She then spun around on her red pumps and said “So we’ve got lots to learn!”

Yes, the power of red pumps is not to be underestimated. We had just finished taking most of the wedding pictures a number of years ago, and Jan informs me that I should come to church office. Upon opening the office door, I discovered the father of the groom sobbing! Immediately I went over and asked what on earth was wrong. (Being new in town was I concerned that maybe I had done something wrong!) Upon approaching him he said, “Oh heavens no, everything went so well with pictures. It is just so beautiful to see our son getting married, I am overcome with emotion.” In full rigor, his wife stood up from her chair, put her red, lacey, rhinestone pump firmly on the floor said, “That is enough, we have a son who is getting married so pull yourself together.” It worked–Dad pulled out his white handkerchief, wiped his eyes, and put on a smile!

Red shoes are a firecracker of sorts – an attention getter. Dear old Dad may have found it painful to be judged harshly by his dear wife, but one look at those red shoes and he knew she meant business. You can bet when the evening concluded, and they entered their swanked out Mediterranean-style bedroom, his dear wife stood beside him in those red lacey pumps, kissed him on the cheek, and praised him for his performance.

Women often are the keepers of the flames for home, businesses, schools and many other activities in the world. So it is only natural they clip through life with heels that flame; it is the very personification of their nature. Many tasks just seem to run better when women are involved. Maybe it’s their knowledge, their persistence, their faith, or even their excitement that adds that extra glow to our daily responsibilities. So keep in mind when you have a need, you know whom to ask for help–the lady wearing red shoes. Be assured they will have a powerful network of other red-heeled counterparts who are equally as gifted. So ladies the next time you need a pair of razzle-dazzle, trendsetter shoes, consider the power of red shoes, especially pumps!

Speaking of “red,” this Red Velvet Cake is a treat.

Don’t be fooled by those who take shortcuts with cake mixes or who use a cream cheese frosting. This crowd pleaser certainly has razzle-dazzle, just like those red pumps. Jan’s mother, Delores Thompson, of Ray has been making this cake for over 50 years and each time is shows forth resplendence.

Repnow is a Rugby resident