Most people don't get too caught up in Women's History Month. There aren't too many card-carrying feminists in town. We all have more important things to worry about. But there are a few interesting facts when it comes to the status and achievements of American women.

Population - 155."/>
Most people don't get too caught up in Women's History Month. There aren't too many card-carrying feminists in town. We all have more important things to worry about. But there are a few interesting facts when it comes to the status and achievements of American women.

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Women too busy to worry about their history

By Staff | Mar 12, 2010

It doesn’t get a whole lot of attention, but March is National Women’s History Month. It has been since Congress made a declaration in 1987. This year’s theme is “Writing Women Back into History” recognizing the diverse accomplishments of women throughout history.

Most people don’t get too caught up in Women’s History Month. There aren’t too many card-carrying feminists in town. We all have more important things to worry about. But there are a few interesting facts when it comes to the status and achievements of American women.

Population – 155.8 million – The number of females in the United States as of Oct. 1, 2009. The number of males was 151.8 million. At 85 and older, there were more than twice as many women as men.

Motherhood – 82.8 million – Estimated number of mothers of all ages in the United States.

Business – Nearly 6.5 million – The number of women-owned businesses in 2002. Women owned 28 percent of all nonfarm businesses.

Workforce – 59 percent – In 2008, the percentage of females 16 and older who participated in the labor force, representing about 72 million women.

Jobs – 99,000 – Number of female police officers across the country in 2008. In addition, there were about 14,000 women firefighters, 349,000 lawyers, 267,000 physicians and surgeons, and 36,000 pilots

Military – 197,900 – Total number of active duty women in the military, as of Sept. 30, 2008. Of that total, 34,300 women were officers, and 163,600 were enlisted.

Marriage – 64.5 million – Number of married women 18 and older in 2008.

Home – 5.3 million – Number of stay-at-home mothers nationwide in 2008.

They say necessity is the mother of invention. But mothers are the mothers of these inventions for kids. Did you know that mothers invented these: alphabet blocks, Barney (the purple dinosaur), disposable diapers, folding crib, and the school desk.

I recently received this narrative about women via email. Rarely do I pass along saying poems or stories that have been circulating on the Internet, but this one struck me. It’s pretty powerful. Unfortunately, I don’t know the author so I can’t give credit. Enjoy!

One Flaw In Women

Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens,but they hold happiness, love and joy.They smile when they want to scream.They sing when they want to cry.They cry when they are happyand laugh when they are nervous.They fight for what they believe in. They stand up to injustice.They don’t take “no” for an answerwhen they believe there is a better solution.They go without so their family can have. They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.They love unconditionally.They cry when their children exceland cheer when their friends get awards.They are happy when they hear abouta birth or a wedding.Their hearts break when a friend dies.They grieve at the loss of a family member,yet they are strong when theythink there is no strength left. They know that a hug and a kisscan heal a broken heart.Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.They’ll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail youto show how much they care about you.The heart of a woman is whatmakes the world keep turning.They bring joy, hope and love.They have compassion and ideas.They give moral support to theirfamily and friends.Women have vital things to sayand everything to give.However, if there is one flaw in women, it is that they forget their worth.

-Some information taken from

Mullally is a Tribune writer.